fathoms: the weight of smoke (2018)

Impressionistic audio-visual composition ruminating on the idea of water as a medium through which organization and entropy operate simultaneously.

The ocean acts as both a generative/constructive influence, as well as an agent of immense and unpredictable destructive power. It is from this medium that all things originate, will eventually return.

The work features layered imagery of the camera moving through clouds of underwater sediment hovering above the seafloor off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Motion-graphic elements trace vector drawings of Gulf Stream currents - approaching, receding, and shifting in and out of focus.

5.1 surround-sound design consists of deep water hydrophone recordings of the Atlantic waters, as well as ambient recordings from the interior spaces of various sea-faring artifacts recovered from the Atlantic seafloor (i.e. jars, bottles, artillery shells).

Produced through support from the Canada Council for the Arts.

Fathoms: The Weight of Smoke - Installation Documentation

Fathoms: The Weight of Smoke - Theatre Cut (5 mins 45 secs)