Suspensions (2018)

High-definition scans of blue-green algae collected from blooms in Lake Ontario.

Blue-green algae is a toxic photosynthetic bacteria, currently blanketing large sections of the Great Lakes as the result of warming seasonal temperatures, agricultural trends, and waste water overflow.

The images simultaneously reference the formal properties of microscopic and telescopic imaging, and gesture toward the idea that thinking through complex ecological (and existential) issues such as the current climate crisis will necessitate perspectives that transcend simplistic delineations such as micro/macro, here/there, local/global.  

Drops of contaminated water are evaporated on scientific glass and lens elements harvested from data projectors. Layers of glass are stacked, arranged, and film-scanned to create large-scale digital images (Dimensions: 42x42 inches. Archival inkjet prints on aluminum panels).

Produced and presented through support from the Ontario Arts Council.